martes, 1 de abril de 2008

Chatuchak Fruitshakes

Chatuchak Fruitshakes
Cargado originalmente por Uberdoog
The Thai penchance for aesthetic presentation, meticulous attention to detail (have you ever gone up close to the finishing work on their temples?) and orderliness fascinates me. (Ensaladas frutas en Tailandes.)
With the Thais, the beauty of the food is sometimes so extreme you wonder if the food is actually edible. Case in point is one of their sweets made of bean paste then shaped into miniature vegetables. So pretty, so authentic, so realistic. How can I eat such a work of art? Another wonder I beheld was the "hotcake" man located in back of a school in a narrow street at the end of Silom which led to the river ferry wharf (whew!). Anyway, this fellow made a living out of forming hotcake batter into fanciful shapes while the school children (me included) customers watched. It took time and was (to city-bred me anyway) a slow and painstaking effort. I was awed and not a little chagrined for my rush-rush perspective.
Another perspective of edibility (is there such a word?). When I travel, I often encounter fresh foods that have been on display for an indeterminate period of time in temperatures that no sane westerner food nutritionist would deem safe. (No, I am not a westerner.) The funny thing is, I also know that the same conditions also probably apply to many of the foods that I myself regularly eat: meat sources in the wet markets, fish, etc. The mystery of it is, while I know I won't come to grief when it comes to my native foods, the same margin of safety does not apply when it comes my eating of foods of other lands. That said, my perspective of food remains "I live to eat, not eat to live."

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