lunes, 30 de junio de 2008

Mercado dos Lavradores. Funchal, Madeira

Mercado dos Lavradores. Funchal, Madeira

Bancas de legumes no Mercado dos Lavradores, no Funchal. Há muito que não se arrumam os produtos nos mercados do continente, com preocupações estéticas, como aqui.


Cargado originalmente por ronnyfaessler
Dubai - V.A.E.

Mangos en Mangoland

Mangos en Mangoland
Cargado originalmente por Ganchor4
Mangos por todos lados pues estamos en temporada. Rica fruta dulce, jugosa y apetitosa orgullo de Baní tierra de Mangoland.

Mango Banilejo, denominacion de origen.

Tomada en Lucas Días, Santana, Peravia.

domingo, 29 de junio de 2008

Mercado Modelo , Santo Domingo

Mercado Modelo está ubicado en la Avenida Mella No. 505. Entre las calles Altagracia y Tomás de la Concha, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. Teléfono: 809-686-6772.


Cargado originalmente por hazelisles

viernes, 27 de junio de 2008


Cargado originalmente por balavenise
........................""""""""""""""Based on the rising experiences with its country cousin, kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus), okra could, at least in principle, have a future producing yet more things that are strange for a vegetable crop, including:

Construction materials. (Kenaf-blend panels are said to perform better than the present particleboard.)
Handicrafts. (Kenaf fiber makes excellent mats, hats, baskets, and more.)
Forage. (Chopping up the whole kenaf plant and feeding it to animals has proven successful.)
Fuel. (Kenaf roots and stems burn fiercely.) """"""""""""""
"""""""""One suggestion for handling okra so that it is not slimy: While okra is still whole, rinse thoroughly, pat completely dry with toweling. Place whole pods in zip lock freezer bags. Leave in freezer until okra is frozen solid (at least overnight is best). Remove from bag, slice while still frozen. Add immediately to dish - don't allow to thaw even a little, as the water contact is what encourages the slime to come out.
From Stitchwitch:
Just couldn't resist joining the okra slime melee. I don't know where you are but I am writing from Cajun country and here what we do to cut the slime:

When fresh okra is in season, we slice it and then cook it down very slowly in a heavy pot (not cast iron, it darkens it.) with a few fresh or canned tomatoes, onions, garlic and about a tablespoon or so of vinegar. Plain old white vinegar. All of this is mixed up and cooked covered until oka is tender. We refer to this as "Smothered Okra." It is usually seasoned with salt, black pepper and cayenne. It can be eaten as is or cooled and frozen and added to gumbo when we get a little cold weather, like in the 50's. Just thought the great okra debate could use another thought."""""

sleeping on the job

sleeping on the job
Cargado originalmente por terry.1953
fruit and veg seller
Old Sharm


Cargado originalmente por kawilson
Farmers' Market. USA, California, Los Angeles (downtown library, 5th street). 18 June 2008. Crimson Heart Pluots®, center (Prunus hybrid). [A pluot (plü-ot) is a tradename for a fruit developed in the late 20th century by Floyd Zaiger. In the United States, the fruit is known by most regulatory agencies as an interspecific plum. It is a complex cross hybrid of plum and apricot, being ¾ plum and ¼ apricot in parentage.]


Cargado originalmente por RieFlections
When I was in the grocery store on Father's Day, I saw these lovely fruit and asked if I could take a picture. The little lady filling the display had to ask her manager, but she thought the result was do I. :) These fruit date back for centuries...seemed pretty traditional to me.

Taken in Round Rock, Texas Wal-Mart Supercenter

"Week #48 - Orange"
"7 Days of Shooting" "Traditional Thursday"

Pimientos rojos y verdes

Pimientos rojos y verdes
Cargado originalmente por La Marga
La boqueria. Barcelona

martes, 24 de junio de 2008

Road Side Vendor

Road Side Vendor
Cargado originalmente por alan haroldo
´Republica Dominicana

Medina in Morocco

Medina in Morocco
Cargado originalmente por Lawrence Travel Center


lunes, 16 de junio de 2008

Pike Place Market, Seattle

Pike Place Market, Seattle
Cargado originalmente por M P G
2/3 for SLW: Food & Travel - "The Market" as we fondly call it, is a symbol of local sustainability and the importance of the Food Source and its Producers to us Seattleites. You can read more about the history of Pike Place Market and the survival story of this oldest farmers' market in America.


Cargado originalmente por cleber
For "Mercados de vegetales y frutas" group
1. Mention city and country where you are coming from the photo.
Seattle - WA - USA
2. Add label with the product name
3. Optional: recipes for preparing this vegetable or fruit
Oh, apple pie, or just bite ir raw!
4. Optional: Please explain whether this vegetable or fruit has some sort of healing property.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Vitamin C, etc!!!

Colorful Fruits

Colorful Fruits
Cargado originalmente por Manny Pabla
Picture was taken at my friend Shoki"s Fruit Shop
in Nawanshahr, Punjab India

belem market

belem market
Cargado originalmente por italianoadoravel2

viernes, 13 de junio de 2008

fresh produce

fresh produce
Cargado originalmente por scorpocat
at the Friday Market in Kadikoy



Cargado originalmente por Iman.c
Taken in Chatuchak market (Bangkok - Thailand)

jueves, 12 de junio de 2008


Cargado originalmente por afractionoftime1

miércoles, 11 de junio de 2008

20060915_0996a_''barattiere'' - [varietà di Cucurbis melo L.] - Bari,

Da secoli, in Puglia si consumano i frutti di popolazioni locali di melone immaturo in alternativa al cetriolo.

Il barattiere [Cucumis melo L.], si raccoglie immaturo, si mangia crudo senza condimento, spesso accompagnando la pasta asciutta condita con cacioricotta o come ingrediente di diverse insalate.

Il frutto è glabro di forma tendenzialmente sferica a volte leggermente affusolata nella zona peduncolare.

Il peso oscilla intorno a 400-600 g ma possono ritrovarsi anche di oltre 1000 g.

Il colore dell’epicarpo dei frutti immaturi è verde di diversa tonalità, mentre a maturazione fisiologica diventa giallo.

La polpa è dapprima croccante, poi, man mano che il frutto matura, diventa sempre più soffice, sapida e profumata, mentre il colore, all’inizio è verde di varia tonalità e tende al rosato nei frutti più maturi.

E’ gradito dai consumatori per l’assenza del sapore amaro, l’elevato contenuto di acqua, il basso contenuto di zuccheri, la sensazione di freschezza e per la buona digeribilità, sicuramente migliore del cetriolo.

Molto spesso le popolazioni vengono indicate con il colore dell'epicarpo, la forma del frutto o con il nome della località in cui sono state selezionate e mantenute in vita con la coltivazione. Esempi sono il:
-Carosello barese,
-Mezzo lungo di Polignano,
-Carosello tondo di Manduria,
-Carosello bianco leccese, eccetera.


Precioso bodegón de tomates y cebolletas iluminados con luz natural cenital y a contraluz.
Posteriormente se encajó en una máscara que hace que parezca un negativo color o diapositiva.

lunes, 9 de junio de 2008

Caps i fruites

Caps i fruites
Cargado originalmente por totti69totti
Caps i fruites

La Boqueria 0,99 a Barcelona. O és 357 ? .
Catalunya - Spain -

En gran se respira millor !
¡ En grande se respira mejor !
Bigger is better !

viernes, 6 de junio de 2008

Easy Choice

Easy Choice
Cargado originalmente por Federico Alberto
Mañana, 16 de mayo del 2008, serán las elecciones presidenciales en la República Dominicana. Con una economía en crecimiento, precios estables y paz social, la decisión será fácil.

Tomorrow, 16 May 2008, presidential elections will take place in the Dominican Republic. With a growing economy, stable prices and social peace, the choice will be an easy one.

Olympus E-3
ZD 12-60mm f/2.8-4.0 ED SWD
Aperture Priority Mode
ISO 100
Metering: Center Weighted Average
White Balance: Cloudy
B+W UV MRC filter


Cargado originalmente por Federico Alberto

The market is ripe for juicy tropical fruits. Along the highway to Santo Domingo, between Baní and San Cristóbal. Bon appétit!

Maduro está el mercado para jugosas frutas tropicales. En la autopista que lleva a Santo Domingo, entre Baní y San Cristóbal. Buen provecho!

Olympus E-3
ZD 12-60mm f/2.8-3.5 ED SWD
Aperture Priority Mode
ISO 100
Metering: Center Weighted Average
White Balance: Shade
B+W UV MRC filter


Cargado originalmente por Loutdreams
En el mercado

Togo, Africa

Fruit seller, Pahar Gange, Delhi

Delhi, India

Chile mercado em Porto Monte

Chile mercado em Porto Monte
Cargado originalmente por Bruno Laria


Cargado originalmente por giubit
Kumquat - Fortunella margarita - Mandarino cinese.

Fortunella - detto anche comunemente kumquat o mandarino cinese - è un genere di piccoli alberi da frutto appartenente alla famiglia delle Rutacee, originario della Cina.

Il frutto del kumquat, che ha lo stesso nome dell'albero, sembra una miniatura ovale e lunga dell'arancia; è lungo 3-4 cm e largo 2-4 cm circa.
Il kumquat è molto più resistente dell'arancio e richiede estati calde, dai 25°C ai 38°C, ma può resistere a temperature molto basse fino ai -10°C senza problemi.
I valori nutrizionali, per 100g di prodotto, sono:

- valore energetico: 27,20 Kcal
- calcio:....................... 9,70 g
- proteine:................... 3,80 g
- carboidrat:................ 7,21 g
- vitamina C:.............15,10 g

jueves, 5 de junio de 2008

Lovely Shop

Lovely Shop
Cargado originalmente por Not Lost
In a really rough part of town

Ostia Market

Ostia Market
Cargado originalmente por Alex In London
This photo was taken at the covered Market in Ostia.
More expensive than the open air market I usually go to.
Bananas on the top row with mixed salad and other fruit.
Dal mercato coperto di Ostia.
Piu' costoso di quello aperto.
In prima fila ci sono le banane con poi insalata mista ed altra frutta.

Fruit stall

Fruit stall
Cargado originalmente por Jim Horsfall
At the Friday Market (although this was on a Monday) in Masafi, UAE. I don't know where all the fruit comes from, but UAE isn't the best place for agriculture. Deserts have a limited number of products that can be produced in them.

miércoles, 4 de junio de 2008

Imperial Fruit - Frutta Fresca

Indian market

Indian market
Cargado originalmente por dalittlebee
The vegetable and fruit market was one of my favorite experiences in India. I was full of stupid cultural fears and this was the first place where I went kinda alone (w/o the group) and first really started to interact with the locals. I tried to find out the names of some fruits and vegetables which were unknown to me. They were very kind, one of them even gave me a fruit called kaji. :-)

martes, 3 de junio de 2008

Bananas being transported in a truck

Bananas being transported in a truck, Philippines.

From my collection of Asian stock photos.

Juice Stall

Juice Stall
Cargado originalmente por hazy jenius
One of the heathiest aspects of
Syria. Fresh fruit juice anywhere
you look.

Green is Life

Green is Life
Cargado originalmente por Araleya
Because of bad weather so I had to stay in Pokhara one more day.. It's not bad as I could biked to the place i still missed... Actually so lazy to bike because it was hilly but tried to think it's a good exercise... Along the way, it was nothing interesting.. just the road parrallel to the runwway of airport... I was almost gave up and turned back but somehow I continued biking..

Finally I found interesting place... a cross called Prativi Showk and there, an evening market was very livley and colorful.. Market along the pavement and I was happy there seeing real daily life of Nepal...

Only me, a tourist was there among local people.. Remenmer one Japanese economic expert who asked me to take him to observe fresh market... He said it is the good way to see economic of the city in the local fresh market... since then I find local fresh market is very interesting... Sitting on the bus seeing field of corn, I could imagine corn of dinner table or in the market and there it is.. This observation makes the travel always interesting for me...

As Fewa lake and dam is water source for agriculture... so the fresh market was full of green and red.. It was so narrow walkway and my eye was color-blind of these colorful street market.. Till I find this corner ... beautfiul ad colorful..

It was little happiness to see and share the colorful life there... the freshy and colorful vegetables here was so tempting so I finally bought lemons ... just to have hot honey lemon drink while reading and writing diary at night at the hotel ... Just localise myself with the place..

Prativi Showk
Kingdom of Nepal

Desde el campo

Desde el campo
Cargado originalmente por sgarip

Republica Dominicana

Gracias especiales a nuestra colaboradora S Garip
por el flujo constante de lindas fotos que muestran
el mundo de los vendedores ambulantes en las calles de Santo Domingo.
Los invitamos a visitar su galeria en flickr

King of Grains

King of Grains
Cargado originalmente por Araleya
King of Grains

Simple display but charming ... and inviting..
I was reluctyant to take his shot but as he prepared to smile for being photographed so there I clicked this shot..

Just like the King of grains

Prativi Showk,
Pokhara, Nepal

lunes, 2 de junio de 2008

Lovely Market

Lovely Market
Cargado originalmente por Araleya
The local market at evening was colorful and full of life..
I felt lively being in this market... One economist expert said it's good to ubnderstand economics of the place if we go to the local market.. There are lots of vegetable and fruit.. it's from irrigation area from Fewa dam and lake.

She knew I was taking shot of her... She was a bit pose for this shot.. Still it look natural shot...

If I lived longer in Pokhara, I wish to buy these very fresh vegie to cook.. Believe it will be tastful because of the freshness

Pathivi Chowk,Pokhara


Cargado originalmente por Alessio Modena
un po'ubriaco, sempre con una boccia
in mano...

D - River Market, Valdivia

This is maybe the most coloured market in Chile,
The River Market in Valdivia ( Lakes district )


domingo, 1 de junio de 2008

mercato di brindisi

mercato di brindisi
Cargado originalmente por sandro locorotondo

Agriservice Bellante Stazione (Teramo - Italy) 21

Missione POPAI
Promuovere la cultura del Punto di Vendita nella sua globalità al fine di valorizzarne l'importanza all'interno del Marketing-mix.
Obiettivi POPAI
Essere il centro di competenza del retail, di tutto quanto ruota attorno al Punto di Vendita. Creare, raccogliere e diffondere informazioni relative al mondo del Punto di Vendita.
Piazzetta Umberto Giordano , 2 (adiacente a P.zza San Babila ) - 20122 MILANO
tel. 02- 76016405
fax 02- 76029777